
Coxon Clinic

100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor in Fort Mill, SC 29715

Colette’s Secrets

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Colette Maze is a 109-year-old French pianist. Not was, is. She plays passionately and well, and Debussy no less. Debussy is known as a particularly difficult composer to play, but not for Colette. How she’s been playing so well for so long is just one of Colette’s secrets.

Lucky for us, she’s willing to share her secrets. She actually has 8 secrets for longevity which also explain her passions, longevity, mental sharpness, and amazing hand dexterity. They are:

Be yourself without compromise. Colette married a writer she fell in love with and devoted her life to the piano. She pursued her two loves despite the fact that they went against her parents’ wishes.
Accept the difficulties in life. When her husband left her and her son, she was totally alone and socially ostracized. She gave piano lessons to make ends meet. Nothing was easy, but she accepted all that came her way.
Be optimistic. Colette says the future is every day, and she lives each day to the fullest.
Be passionate. Colette is passionate about music and playing the piano.
Let nature amaze you.
Have a busy social life, enjoy friends and family.
Keep your body flexible.
Maintain a routine.

These secrets sound like a 100 Year Lifestyle to us! And they have served Colette well.

If you want to read more about detail this amazing woman’s secrets, click here. If you want to hear the beautiful music she creates, you can watch her play here.

The post Colette’s Secrets appeared first on The 100 Year Lifestyle.

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